Would you like your next museum visit to be more interesting?

Do you occasionally go to art museums and enjoy looking at paintings, but you cannot understand what they really mean?
Would you like to learn more about reading paintings, differentiating styles from each other and make the most of a museum trip?
Then, you are at the right place! Start Art! Painting Analysis Workshops are designed to teach you all about understanding paintings.

The Start Art! Painting Analysis Workshops are designed for new beginners to art history. So, you do not need to know more than a few household names like Leonardo da Vinci or Picasso… It is just your interest that matters to learn more.

In the Workshops we go through the characteristics of each period or movement, and then see lots of paintings, discuss and analyse them. Analysing paintings has a certain pattern and with simple methods you can easily expand your knowledge on paintings. Start Art! Workshops focus on such simple methods and will teach you the characteristics, symbols, artists and famous paintings of different periods. All Workshops are conducted in Gothenburg and are in English.


Before the next workshop begins (see details below), a Free Introduction Lecture will be held on 15 January, Wed 18:00-19:00.

The Introduction Lecture is for those who would like to have a taste of the Workshop. The Introduction Lecture will focus on the below:

– Information on Start Art! & Workshops
– Short Art History Timeline
– Sample Painting Analyses from Different Periods

The Introduction Lecture is for free but the seats are limited. If you are interested in joining the Introduction Lecture, you need to send an email to


15 January 2025, Wed 18:00-19:00
Venue: AFiG – Arbetarrörelsens Folkhögskola i Göteborg (Järntorget 7, 5th Floor, 413 04 Göteborg)

You will get a confirmation on your registration afterwards. Last day for registration is 14 January 2025, Tuesday.


Workshop Programme:
Lecture No.1 – 22 Jan 2025, Wed 18:00-20:00
Lecture No.2 – 29 Jan 2025, Wed 18:00-20:00
Lecture No.3 – 5 Feb 2025, Wed 18:00-20:00
Lecture No.4 – 12 Feb 2025, Wed 18:00-20:00
Lecture No.5 – 19 Feb 2025, Wed 18:00-20:00
Lecture No.6 – 26 Feb 2025, Wed 18:00-20:00

Venue: AFiG – Arbetarrörelsens Folkhögskola i Göteborg (Järntorget 7, 5th Floor, 413 04 Göteborg)
Fee: 1050 SEK (for the Whole Workshop)

The 18th-19th Century Art Workshop covers the art movements during Late 18th and 19th Century and will teach the participants how to analyse paintings from those periods. The participants will develop skills to recognize the typical movements from 1750s to 1900.

The works of famous painters like David, Ingres, Delacroix, Courbet, Manet, Monet, Renoir, Van Gogh, Gauguin, Cézanne, Klimt and many more will be analysed throughout the Workshop.

Workshop Content:
– Characteristics of Movements from 18th-19th Century
– Analysing famous paintings from the movements of the period including:
* Neoclassicim
* Romanticism, Orientalism, Pre-Raphaelists
* Academic Art
* Realism
* Impressionism
* Post-Impressionism & Neo-Impressionism
* Symbolism & Art Nouveau

Artists: David, Ingres, Delacroix, Courbet, Manet, Monet, Renoir, Van Gogh, Gauguin, Cézanne, Klimt and many more

To Register for the Workshop:
– Send an email to
– Make the Payment with Credit Card using the link below – 1050 SEK for the Whole Workshop
– You will get a confirmation e-mail upon registration


January-February 2025
March-April 2025


The Start Art! Workshops have been held in Gothenburg since 2018. The past participants have expressed their satisfaction with the content of the course and provided positive feedback on the development of their skills in understanding art they encounter in museums and churches. The Workshop Series will continue with other workshops from the series during the year – see the Workshops Catalogue below.

Hoping to meet you in the Workshop

Özgün Yilmazok

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