The Painting Analysis Workshop idea was formed as a project to gather the followers of Sanata Başla! / Start Art! web page and other art enthusiasts under a series of meetings where interactive art discussion sessions will be held. The aim was to have live discussions of  the painting analyses accumulated in the web site within the past years and more with a group of people. I never considered to name the project as a “seminar”, “conference” or “series of talks”, since that would mean I will do all the talking and the attendees will listen. Instead I named it as “Workshops” where people will freely be able to ask questions, share what they know, comment, discuss and learn together within the same platform while I am explaining the paintings and concepts.

The first series of Workshops were held in Turkey under the name of “Sanata Başla! Resim Analizi Atölyeleri”. More than 18 Workshops were held in Turkey from 2015 to today.

Since 2018, the Workshops are conducted in English as “Start Art! Painting Analysis Workshops” in Gothenburg. The following Workshops were conducted in Gothenburg so far:

Renaissance Workshop (Oct 2018)
Renaissance Workshop (Feb-Mar 2019)
Baroque & Rococo Workshop (Apr-May 2019)
Renaissance Workshop (Sep-Oct 2019)
Baroque & Rococo Workshop (Nov-Dec 2019)
18-19th Century Art Movements Workshop (Jan-Feb 2020)
Visual Analysis Workshop (Oct-Nov 2020)
Modern Art I Workshop (Mar-May 2022)
Renaissance Workshop (Sep-Oct 2022)
Baroque & Rococo Workshop (Nov-Dec 2022)
Modern Art II Workshop (Jan-Feb 2023)
18-19th Century Art Movements Workshop (Feb-Apr 2023)
Visual Analysis Workshop (Sep-Nov 2023)
Modern Art I Workshop (Jan-Feb 2024)
Modern Art II Workshop (Mar-Apr 2024)
Modern Art III Workshop (Apr-Jun 2024)

The past participants have expressed their satisfaction with the content of the Workshops and have given positive feedback on the development of their skills in understanding art pieces they encounter in museums and churches.

You may find detailed information on all painting analysis workshops offered by Start Art! below:

Özgün Yılmazok

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